Q: How Can I Benefit From An Energy Healing Session?

A: By calming the nervous system with new energetic inputs during a session, the result is usually a feeling of relief, lightness, less or no pain, and relaxation.

Even if you are eating well and taking supplements, your well-being and healing will be impeded if your body is in Fight or Flight response. Fight or Flight is a physiological response in the body that happens when we feel our lives are threatened. Before modern society, our bodies used it for survival from predators, but today chronic stress has replaced the role of the Sabre Tooth tiger – although your boss may act like one! Chronic stress can be any of the following: a job you dislike going to that demands high performance, your neighbors dog that barks constantly so you can’t relax at home, sick family members, bills and financial concerns, an abusive home environment, draining social commitments, and navigating major life changes.

So what is happening in our bodies when we are triggered by a stressor?

When we encounter the trigger, the hypothalamus region of the brain sets off an alarm signal in the body that triggers a domino effect of nerve and hormonal signals to your adrenal glands (on top of your kidneys) which releases a surge of hormones including adrenaline and cortisol.*

These hormones are what prepare the body for fight or flight. While the adrenaline increases blood pressure and energy supplies, cortisol is curbing the nonessential functions needed in fight or flight mode. Cortisol alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, reproductive system and growth processes. It also communicates with the regions in the brain that control mood, motivation and fear.*

Many of us have been living in a state of chronic stress and don’t realize it until our health starts failing

The following are manifestations of chronic stress and indicators that your nervous system needs a break:

Anxiety, depression, digestive problems, headaches, muscle tension and pain, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke, sleep problems, weight gain, memory and concentration impairment.*

The following are behaviors that I’ve identified in myself related to chronic stress:

Always feeling tired, relying on caffeine to make it through the day, easily distracted by social media and grabbing my phone during any quiet moment to pass the time, mind spinning when trying to fall asleep, waking up at weird hours with all the what-ifs bouncing in my brain, using chocolate as a mood booster, finding it difficult to be around family or crowded places, and the list goes on.

How will an energy healing session help those with chronic stress?

“All you can do for another person is be an environment in which if they wanted to come up for air, they could.”

— Ram Dass

In my energy healing sessions, whether it’s Reiki or Crystal energy or both, at a bare minimum my goal is to provide a time and space for others to come up for air. With Reiki, I channel Universal energy to your body to ease and relax not only the physical body but the emotional and mental bodies as well. When Crystal energy is incorporated, we are working with the vibrational energetic qualities of the crystals to either remove lower vibrational energy or incorporate higher vibrational energy into the physical, emotional and mental bodies. By calming the nervous system with new energetic inputs, the result is usually a feeling of relief, lightness, less or no pain, and relaxation. If you’re curious to see what others have experienced, please check out the testimonial page and see for yourself, but of course the best way to know for sure is to experience it.

Are you ready to come up for some air? Use the form below to book your appointment.



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