3 Crystals to Support You During Holiday Get-Togethers

The holidays are fast approaching and that means spending more time with people that we might not vibe with. In order to minimize the awkward moments, here are my top three crystal picks to smooth over your holiday get-togethers!

Number 1, Labradorite

You have to protect your own energy. Period. Carrying Labradorite will strengthen your aura and create a protective energy shield so other humans, and non-humans, have a difficult time draining your energy. An added bonus of Labradorite energy is that it enhances psychic abilities which can assist you in sensing and avoiding your mother-in-law’s vampire energy. I’m just kidding, I’m sure your mother-in-law is very nice.

Number 2, Green Calcite

We know that it’s easier to change ourselves versus waiting for others to change and that’s why Green Calcite is my number 2 choice. This heart chakra stone is one that can facilitate forgiveness of oneself and forgiveness of others. It can refresh your own energy and release stress and resentment which comes in handy if your family are a bunch of ______. You can fill in the blank there.

Number 3, Blue Lace Agate

If you can’t stay silent when the family brings up politics at the dinner table, it’s best to speak diplomatically and that’s why Blue Lace Agate is my number 3 choice for family get-togethers. Not only is it calming and centering, but it can balance the throat chakra and allow you to speak clearly from the heart, avoiding quarrels and misunderstanding. Bring an extra one and gift it to the person who won’t stop talking.

There you have it, those are my top three crystal choices for surviving holiday get-togethers. The key theme of these crystals is to work with your own energy so that you bring a peaceful, but strong and centered, presence to any holiday party. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season! See you soon!


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