Getting Started Working with Crystal Energy

Today I want to talk about how to get started working with Crystal energy. This blog post is only general guidance on how to work with your own personal crystals and not for crystal healing on others.

Grounding stones are the first type of stone or crystals I recommend you start working with first. My favorites to work with are black tourmaline, hematite, shungite, Smokey quartz, and black kyanite.

It may be tempting to start off with some of the hyped-up crystals like Moldavite, but until you are comfortable working with a wider range of crystal energy, I would wait on this.

Once you get your crystals home, choose the best method of cleansing for the crystal and for your unique gifts. If you don’t know how to do that, check out my video where I show you three different ways I cleanse and charge my crystals.

After you’ve cleaned and charged your crystals grab your meditation mask and sit or lay down with your crystal. You can hold it over your heart chakra, place it on your third eye, or even hold the crystal in front of your mouth and thank it for journeying from its home, deep in the earth and into your home.

Clear your mind and be open to communicating with the crystal energy. Focus on the crystal, tune into it like you are tuning a radio dial. You may feel sensations or see colors or visions. Allow the crystal energy to work its way around your body, so that it can assist you in whatever you need at that moment.

If you like to journal, document your meditation and what you experienced. It can be really fun to see how meditating with the same crystal on different days will give you different experiences depending on what is happening in your life.

When you’re finished meditating with your crystal, you can carry it with you for the day or find a home for it. Crystals prefer to be kept/stored in natural materials. Leather, wood, woven baskets, and potting soil at the base of plants are all good choices.

Ultimately, once you have been working with your crystals and established a relationship, you will be able to tune into your crystals and intuitively be guided to know when and how often to cleanse and charge them.

After you’ve worked with grounding stones and feel comfortable with their energy, I recommend working with satin spar, clear quartz, rose quartz, and amethyst, but feel free to work with the crystals or stones that call to you. I hope that gives you some guidance to start working with your crystals. If you have questions or what you would like to see in future videos let me know!


3 Universal Methods of Crystal Cleansing For Beginners


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