Solar Eclipse Message: Simplifying for Alignment
Mercury Retrograde Message: Revision
“Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.” — John Maeda
While the solar eclipse has come and gone, the insights haven’t stopped…
I chose to spend the day of the eclipse on April 8, 2024, in slowness. I didn’t feel compelled to go out and watch it, but to allow myself to be receptive to the new energetic atmosphere it created. Laying down on my yoga mat, floating in-between meditation and dream-states. When I was awake I could feeling the energy shifting within and around my body and I felt it was important that I give myself time to receive whatever message the Universe wanted to send my way.
I’d love to tell you I had a dramatic lighting bolt download with magnificent visions and a beautiful, clear set of instructions for what I was supposed to be doing. But no, everything I am sharing has come trickling in over the last three weeks in very mundane ways.
Sometimes it be like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Which makes sense when I look back at the message from the blind cave fish it reminds me that we can’t always see where we are headed, but we receive information along the way that guides us to our destination, and it’s all divinely timed.
The first nudge I got from the Universe was about needing more clarity around where Flourishing Roots Wellness is headed. Several days later I started to envision a Venn diagram forming in my mind, so I put it into Adobe Illustrator and this is the result:
Venn diagrams just make things fun.
The foundation of what Flourishing Roots Wellness does is rooted in the three pillars: Nature, Energy and Spirituality. This is how we determine what offerings and services are in alignment with our Mission. This is a living document and will shift as needed with current states of being.
Each circle of the diagram is also related to the Sun, Earth and Moon energies. These three cosmic bodies have the most influence on our wellness than any others. When we begin to understand their importance in our lives, we can improve our overall health.
It is important to me that as FRW grows, we have some clear guidelines about what we’re doing here – a North Star. That’s why the About page has an updated Mission, Vision and Values statements. Please read through it if you have a moment to get a deeper understanding of what FRW stands for and what I believe we are all capable of!
Deeper than spiritual entertainment or woo-woo stuff.
Flourishing Roots Wellness is here to help you empower your life by better understanding yourself. At our human core, we are souls in a physical body and both have energy systems that we can tap into for healing on all levels. If you’re ready to take a more holistic approach to your wellness journey consider booking an Intuitive Wellness Session to get started!